“China as a market, for a Latin American exporter, is a great opportunity, there are many clients, many cultures, many subcultures. But it is difficult to go, you have to take it seriously, invest in time, not only put your foot in the water, but put your leg in it. The opportunity is immense, but the challenge is equally immense”
The area of blueberries planted in the African country has increased 15.37 times since 2005, when the first plantations of the blue fruit began. More than 15 years later, its privileged location and political-environmental conditions continuously increase its annual production.
An economic contribution of up to 180 million dollars will be provided by the World Bank for Morocco, a commitment that follows the exhibition of the Resilience and sustainability of irrigation water (Redi) last January. Confirmation of this commitment will be announced before the end of this month.
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