The Monticello was a deep Seminar

This April 11 held the XIV International Seminar of Blueberries in Monticello, Chile, and it was a surprising and intense meeting, not only because of the great attendance of producers, and of various actors of the national and international blueberry industry, or because of the excellent program that offered, but that, by the great participation of the assistants in the treated subjects, in its great majority approached with a lot of depth.

The national and international rapporteurs gave presentations of great interest for the development of the industry and its various aspects. The topics discussed were received with great attention by the more than 350 attendees, who actively participated in the rounds of questions, with specific concerns and very informed about the reality and management of the cultivation of blueberries and agrofrutícola production in general.

The meeting began with the invitation to deep reflection and discussion regarding the current state of the blueberry industry in Chile, by the executive director of the Committee of Blueberries of Chile, Andrés Armstrong, who asked in his presentation if "indeed in the There is now space in world markets for all the fruit that is produced in Chile, "and the answer was clearly not, due to the various problems of condition and quality that Chilean fruit is presenting in international destinations.

The program was extensive and diverse, although always pointing to the topics of greatest interest that currently relate to the industry, or that are necessary for producers.

Diseases, pests, varietal change, nutrition, irrigation, biostimulants, foliar nutrition, pruning, cover, firmness, postharvest, organic, market analysis, marketing and values, were topics that among many others were discussed in detail.

In addition to these issues, related to the garden, cultivation and markets, there was a good deal regarding the knowledge of new technological tools and the variants that the market offers regarding the digitization of production processes, which clearly is no longer a future issue, but are tasks and challenges that the industry must face to be competitive in today's world.

In short, it was a seminar that took charge of the real problems of the industry at present and the most effective ways or measures to recover competitiveness in the international concert of the production and export of blueberries.

The Monticello was a profound seminar and all those who attended evaluated it in this way. The May 9 will be the meeting in Lima and it will surely be carried out with the same intensity, because the Peruvian blueberry industry is working at its maximum potential and this also implies facing great challenges in all aspects, from the management to the reception in destination, and the acceptance of each day more demanding final consumer.

Martín Carrillo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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