SAG initiates actions to prevent the spread of the spotted wing fly in the Los Lagos region

The Agricultural and Livestock Service in the Los Lagos region began control actions in the area for evitar the advance of the fly of wings stained, plague detected during the second week of January attacking a new host, corresponding to cherries.

The plague in the region was detected in June of 2017, although in wild blackberries, which resulted in the installation of a network of traps to know their distribution and the range of fruits they choose as hosts, whether commercial, wild or ornamental.

Eduardo Monreal, SAG regional director, identified the species as the "Drosophila suzukii", which unlike other similar insects, causes damage to fruit trees that can be destined for export and is not harmful to human health.


He added that within the control actions a dissemination phase began with unions, fruit producers and INDAP users.

Currently the species is present in the provinces of Llanquihue, Osorno and Chiloé; being lPalena's only one who has not had any detections, not having quarantine implications for export "but if there is concern on the part of producers regarding the damage to the fruit in terms of yield, however the controls in the same orchards help, he said.


The spotted wings fly attacks different species of fruits, observing that it has a preference for soft and thin skin fruits such as blueberries, cherry, raspberries, strawberries, blackberry and blackberry.

Although at the country level 10 fruit species host to Drosophila suzukii have been determined, in the Los Lagos region five have been established, wild blackberry, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry and the dead woman.


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