Health: blueberries decrease high levels of blood sugar

Add blueberries and other types of berries to the diet of those with diabetes would help reverse this condition. This is demonstrated by studies and specialized health sites in the United Kingdom.

Diabetes is a disease where the body can not control blood sugar levels. There are two types: diabetes type 1 that is of congenital origin and diabetes type 2 that appears after birth. Commonly the 2 type is caused by an alteration with the hormone insulin, which means that the body is less able to absorb the sugar in our body.

In Chile and throughout the world, it is recommended to follow a treatment focused on increasing physical exercise and following a healthy diet. However, it is important to know which foods control blood sugar levels better.

According to the American Diabetes Association, berries are a superfood for diabetes because they are full of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. They recommend consuming three-quarters of a cup of fresh blueberries a day, which can be eaten alone or added to a fat-free yogurt.

A 2010 study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that insulin sensitivity was "improved" when 16 obese participants consumed 22.5 grams of blueberries in a smoothie twice daily for six weeks.

"Dietary supplementation with whole blueberries in a preclinical study resulted in a reduction in blood sugar concentrations over time," the study authors wrote.

The Healthline medical site also recommends adding blueberries to the diet of those who need to control their blood sugar levels either through diabetes or just to maintain a healthy diet.

Express UK

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