Filtering systems, a need for better irrigation

Good use of water is essential in agriculture. However, old irrigation systems are still used in Chile that are not as effective as more developed technologies that allow improving water efficiency.

Claudio de la Cerda, agronomist from the University of Chile and coordinator of the Duoc UC Water Technology Center. explained that especially small farmers when irrigating drip, which "It's a grace", because they are optimizing their irrigation systems, they continue to use dripper systems that disarm. The complication with this system is that, worldwide, they have stopped selling these drippers.

"Nobody has the manpower to disarm 10 thousand or 15 thousand droppers, in addition the new drippers have a technology far superior to the disassemblies"He said.

He pointed out that the reason why in Chile farmers opt for this technology, which is older, is because in that country is still very expensive filtering systems, thinking of automatic filters, for example, although he pointed out that it could also be used manual filtering systems that would work "fairly good".

In Chile it would be using a second generation of drippers that were developed worldwide, so it is necessary to renew the systems to facilitate work and also saving water and money.

Currently, there are different irrigation systems that meet the functions necessary to achieve optimal irrigation. Some of them are:

Underground watering

They are drippers that, as the name suggests, work underground. According to Claudio explained, people get complicated because they think they could be covered, however, these drippers work with systems capable of removing elements that could cover them, like a stone.

Self-compensating dripper

These drippers equalize the different pressures of the system in order to ensure that all the drippers have the same flow, regardless of their location and their distance from the water receiving point. The self-compensated drippers located in the lowest part of the installation will emit the same amount of water as those located in the upper part, ensuring that all plants receive the same volume of water.

Anti-draining and anti-siphon dripper

These drippers not only prevent water from flowing out after the system has stopped, but also prevent air from entering which impurities could enter the pipes and the dropper when the system stops.

Israel is known for being a pioneer in the development and use of irrigation technologies and water resources, and this is because in that country, all the water consumed has a cost.

The engineer suggests that Chile, at least, should replace its systems with self-compensating and anti-drainage drippers.

For his part, the agronomist recommends that farmers dare with new filtering systems, "That would solve the problem, instead of working with older alternatives".

"The most advanced technologies are usually brought by the big producers, the problem in Chile is that they do not enter for the small producers". And he suggested that small producers approach institutions that offer aid for this purpose.

Source: Fruit Portal 

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