The area planted with red fruits in Huelva for the 2019 campaign amounts to 11.464 hectares

The recently completed plantation phase yields a total area planted with the set of red fruits in the province of Huelva. 11.464 hectares for the 2018 / 2019 campaign. We experience a growth of 2,80% with respect to the 11.145 hectares of berries planted in the last annuity.

La Association of Producers and Exporters of La Fresa de Huelva, Freshuelva, has reported that, according to the data provided by the associated companies, the area planted in strawberry it has increased minimally, this time by 3,50%. In total, the area planted with strawberries has gone from 5.890 hectares last season, to 6.095 hectares today.

In the case of blueberry, With the growth of 7%, 2.858 is moved from 3.059 to planted hectares, consolidating its growth, although sustained, in the province of Huelva. It must be taken into account that it is a shrub that starts its commercial production from the third year, with which, not all plants enter production this season.

The agrarian organization has verified that these last two crops have a greater projection in the zone of the West Coast of Huelva, with early varieties that can produce in the first months of the year.

In contrast, the decrease of 3% in the planted area of raspberry it translates into passing 2.212 hectares of last season to the 2.150 that will be in the present, consolidating its presence in the west of the province.

Brianda blackberries, it returns to the surface planted two years ago of 160 hectares, after registering a decrease of 20 hectares during the plantation.

Freshuelva has highlighted that these data show that the commitment to crop diversification started in previous campaigns is consolidated, thus ensuring the presence of Huelva berries in the markets for nine months a year practically.

This is the end of a planting phase marked by the post-planting rains, which have led to the loss of strawberry plants in some 90 hectares of the West Coast area that will not be able to be recovered. In fact, according to the first estimates made by Agrosguros, the losses caused by heavy storms are quantified in more than 300.000 euros.

Lock to access France

Moreover, Freshuelva has expressed its concern about the delays and difficulties that are occurring in the export of raspberries, mainly as a result of the roadblocks registered in France in protest of the increase in the tax burden, and so it has been transferred to the authorities Spanish and European through Fepex.

Although at this time of year it is not the most commercialized in the red fruits of Huelva, it is affecting this situation very negatively in the export of the raspberry that occurs in the autumn months, which is registering real problems to reach their destination and cancellations of sale, with the consequent losses for Huelva exporters. Freshuelva has trusted that this situation is solved as soon as possible, since the passage of France is required for the transit of red fruits onubenses, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

Agrodiario Huelva

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