"At Blueberries Consulting we go hand in hand with the needs of the industry"

"Our goal is to be the portal, where all the relevant information and quality knowledge regarding the cranberry cultivation in all its process is shared"

Digcio Herrera, commercial manager of Blueberries Consulting, exhibits and shares the various products that the Consultant will offer to the market in the 2017 and with which this 2016 will close.

In a framework in which the global economic reality is undergoing structural changes and the productive matrix of the Latin American countries is in the process of attrition, agricultural activity advances in prominence, especially its fruit industry, which opens great opportunities for its development .

In this framework, in BB Consulting, after analyzing the growth prospects of the industry in the region and the needs arising from it, they elaborate their product offerings for all the players in the industry.

On the other hand, the growing demand for healthy food places the cranberry industry, among others, in a privileged place and enjoying a wide margin to continue growing and diversifying its offer in multiple alternatives, from fresh fruit to pharmacology.

In this context, it should be noted that the reality of each country is different. In particular, it is stated that Chile urgently needs a change of varieties and reorient its export industry; for its part, Peru must consolidate its growth and incorporate more knowledge and training; Mexico needs to optimize resources and advance in developing better production levels; Argentina must reinvigorate its industry; in Uruguay, other needs arise, and each country in the region must advance in different aspects, "But all in a development perspective, which is the important thing" underlines the BB Consulting executive, "We all have to grow and raise the standards of the offer", emphasizes.

"At Blueberries Consulting we are constantly exploring and analyzing the reality of the industry. We are measuring and studying the development of its political, economic and social environment, because what Chile needs, with 30 years of industry, 20 thousand hectares planted and 100 thousand tons of production, is very different from what Peru requires, which is a new industry, with 2.500 hectares, but growing rapidly to an average of 1.000 hectares per year, or Mexico, which practically only produces Biloxy and has its market in the US insured " says Herrera, and adds that "In Blueberries Consulting we go hand in hand with the needs of the industry and we try to be up to it to respond to the multiple concerns that arise from the producers and in general, from the different actors of the Latin American blueberry industry".

blueb"This year we did seminars in Chile, Mexico and Peru. We also publish Blue Magazine, a paper magazine, to support the dissemination of the industry and position it at a level as high and as transversal as possible ", says Herrera and continues, "We are currently giving a new boost to the website, with more information and more offer for the visitor. We will finish the 2016 with the execution of commercial technical tours to the south, center and north of Chile, with the aim of making known an industry that has been growing cranberry for three decades in its different climatic and soil scenarios. Then we will also invite to visit the crops in Peru, to appreciate in the field the development of the Peruvian industry and its explosive growth, and for the 2017 we have prepared an important battery of new products that we will offer at the time to the industry, and that have to do with the development and application of new technologies, the result of new research, the knowledge of new experiences, and everything what helps to position and expand the cranberry industry, to place it in a leading role in the fruit industry ", concludes saying the commercial manager of Blueberries Consulting.

Source: Blueberrieschile.cl - Blueberriesconsulting.com

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