Health, taste and the environment: some of the reasons why organic products are sought

Consumer trends to prefer products with a lower carbon footprint have been gaining strength in the market. Today users tend to opt for brands that are environmentally conscious and do good for people's health.

Offer and demand

The decision to consume organic food is a habit and lifestyle that has been gaining strength among consumers. However, one of the great difficulties at the exact time of buying lies in the limited supply found in supermarket stores and at exorbitant prices. However, this is a reality that is increasingly changing as supermarkets have begun to offer sections of organic products within their stores.


Some of the people have affirmed that the choice of organic products is that they have better taste, more natural and without so many chemicals. The reality that one product claims to be more natural than another allows the buyer whose lifestyle is more sedentary or less active, the peace of mind that they are opting for a rich and healthy food.

Habit changes

Especially with the current scenario, in which mobility is more restricted, overweight rates have increased worldwide and the appearance of covid-19 that has brought greater awareness to maintain a healthier life, ecological products have taken great preference when buying. Customers say that for them, these foods have an absence of pesticides and other potentially harmful components.

Carbon footprint

Definitely today, generating a lifestyle that allows maintaining healthy habits that contribute to people's health and caring for the planet is one of the main reasons for the demand for organic products. The world of agriculture, among other areas, generates a significant impact on the carbon footprint, very hand in hand with the factor that if a product does not affect the planet, it cannot harm human beings.

This after international organizations and NGOs affirm that organic farming is more sustainable in the long term and calls for more support from states and institutions to promote its development. This takes force with the concern for the care of animals, supporting local economies and avoiding products with chemicals.

Maria Jesus Frascaroli - Blueberries Consulting

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