Berry producers in Bío Bío meet to study the creation of a trade association

Berry producers in the province of Bío Bío participated in a meeting to study the creation of a trade association of the area in the area, to work together with blueberry and raspberry farmers.

The instance involved farmers who integrate the PTI Integrated Territorial Program in the area, in addition to the president of the Association of Producers and Exporters (Asproex) of the Sixth Region, Francisco Duboy.

The participation of Asproex allowed them to know the experience of the entity, and resolve doubts regarding generating this type of instances to work together in the field.

The manager of the PTI Berries in Bío Bío, Carlos Muñoz, explained that they have discussed this possibility with different producers of Bío Bío, including Quilaco, Mulchén and Santa Bárbara.


Among the ideas that have been generated, is the possible organization of AsproBerries Bío Bío Centro, to appear as an association of producers of this type of food in the area.

Muñoz added that for all this, there are still conversations to carry out, and thus specify the idea of ​​bringing together the producers of berries, blueberries and raspberries from the province of Bío Bío.


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