Clean Production Agreement will strengthen the production and marketing of berries in La Araucanía

The initiative promoted by the Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change and other public institutions will allow small producers of berries to make a leap towards sustainable agriculture.

In order to improve access to new markets with quality fruit, the Cooperativa Campesina Multiberries de Gorbea signed a Clean Production Agreement (APL) with the Sustainability Agency, which will benefit 25 producers of peasant family agriculture from the communes of Freire, Pitrufquen, Gorbea, Paillaco, CholChol and Teodoro Smidth. Through this initiative, we seek to strengthen a marketing model with greater added value to the product (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), through the improvement of production and environmental standards in the gardens, within a period of 12 months.

It is the second APL for berry producers in La Araucanía and has the support of the Regional Government, the undersecretaries of Agriculture and Environment, SAG, INDAP and the Seremi de Salud de La Araucanía.

As explained by the director of the Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change, Giovanni Calderón Bassi, "the APL will focus on installing sustainable agricultural production, which will generate a fruit of better quality, with standards and Clean Production certification to access new markets or improve prices. In La Araucanía, the APLs are a great opportunity to improve an emerging sector in regional agriculture, with great projection for the next 10 to 20 years ".

The producers will implement seven goals and 57 actions that point to the rational use of fertilizers, the control in the handling of pesticides and fungicides, the implementation of a system that guarantees the traceability and innocuousness of the production, as well as the decrease in an 25% of the water consumption and the generation of solid waste.

In that sense, Juanita Aguilera, partner producer of the Cooperativa Campesina Multiberries de Gorbea, said that "this Clean Production Agreement is the basis for continuing to grow in a sustainable manner and improving the possibility of developing new inputs."

For its part, the Economy Seremi, Francisco Lopez, valued these cooperative initiatives in the framework of the development of a Clean Production Agreement, helping and strengthening compliance, not only regulations, but also, caring to obtain a product of quality, innocuous and with standards that allow an opening to other markets.

With the APL it is expected to install good operational practices and develop a product differentiation strategy with an emphasis on new business models. In this sense, it will be managed with Hotelga Araucanía, the Association of Supermarkets of Chile, JUNAEB among other public and private institutions, the acquisition of products from the companies adhering to the APL.

In addition, actions will be implemented for the conservation and increase of native and melliferous flora species in each of the properties.

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