Peru continues to surprise the fruit world

Peru appeared in the world of fruit growing only about 15 years ago. Since then it has a dizzying evolution, reaching new records year after year. It is currently among the top 10 fruit exporters in the world. It is interesting to analyze what are the reasons that led to this success, as well as the risks that it faces.

The history of fruit growing in Peru is quite incredible and resembles a story. Peru was a exporter of fruits almost not significant and it became a world power in about 20 years. From exporting fruits worth US $ 540 million in 2010, it went to US $ 3.800 million in 2020. In recent years, it has managed to place itself among the Top 10 exporting countries of fruits of the world. In the southern hemisphere, Chile is still the leading exporter, but Peru is getting closer and closer to Chilean values ​​and has overtaken South Africa and the other southern countries.

The most successful fruits of Peru are the blueberry, grape, avocado and tangerine.  Its exports have increased six-fold in the last decade. The mango and banana, although their advances were more moderate. As minor fruits are the lime, tangelo, orange, strawberry, pomegranate among others. The ranking according to volume is: grape, avocado, mango, banana, mandarin and blueberry. If the exported value is taken into account, the blueberry is highlighted first. It is estimated that this year its export value will exceed that of grapes and even more than avocados.

This success was made possible by a cultural,  in focus political-economic of the country that occurred under the government of Mr. Fujimori (1990-2000). Among other measures opened the economy Peruvians to the world, facilitated foreign investment, carried out a tax reform and privatized companies. The expansion of fruit growing in the coastal area it was possible thanks to huge investment projects, through which water was brought from the Andes to the coastal valleys. With the irrigation and works of infrastructure, extensive areas were freed for the cultivation of fruit trees. To this fact, several factors that favored fruit development were added. One is the climate of the Peruvian coast, comparing this with the conditions that reign in a greenhouse. It is quite uniform throughout the year. There is little variation in temperatures and no extremes are recorded. That is to say, there are no frosts, no heat stroke.

On the other hand, it practically does not rain. What is observed in some localities is environmental humidity. On the other hand, there is enough labor economical for crops. The latest reforms have improved the worker's situation, but despite this, Peru continues to have lower labor costs than its competitors. The comparison of the value of labor is very marked when compared with the countries of the northern hemisphere or some southern countries. On the other hand, there is a young entrepreneurs, open to improvements and active. In turn, companies generally have sufficient means to make the necessary investments, even if they are expensive. Its open posture to the world facilitated the insertion of Peru in the fruit trade, achieving rapid advances. In a short time, multiple commercial agreements were signed and numerous markets were opened.

In the first years many had to be faced challenges characteristic of the prevailing agroecological conditions. The lack of cold It was solved mainly through pruning and the choice of the best varieties. It was also necessary to adjust the irrigation, as well as the rest of the cares. There was a lot of trial and error. But after a period of learning, there is no doubt that fruits were the most successful crops on the Peruvian coast.

Most of their exports they address the U.S. y Europe. The importance of each varies according to fruit. While, in blueberries, grapes and mandarins there is a greater participation of the United States; in avocado, mango and banana Europe prevails. These two destinations receive between 80-90% of shipments. A relatively smaller percentage goes to Asia (10-15%). As secondary destinations is Eastern Europe, Middle East y Latin America.

It is difficult to predict what will happen in the next years. Obviously the crop expansion will bring new challenges, as is the health, logistics, commercial and labor aspect. Another point to take into account is the growing demand from consumers in northern markets towards a more sustainable production, friendly with the environment and with social improvements. There is a growing interest in knowing these aspects in the different supplier countries.

El climate change it is another hardly predictable challenge. This affects most of the fruit growers in South America that depend on the water supply from the Andes mountain range. Glaciers are shrinking rapidly, snowfall and rain are increasingly scarce. Through changes in the management of crops, the choice of species with lower water demands, the improvement of irrigation and the implementation of new technologies, it will be possible to face the growing scarcity of water.

But most likely Peru will continue to assert itself as a supplier of fruits to the world, thanks to the advantages it has, such as the climate, cheap labor, the possibility of making investments and its open policy to the world.

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