Numerous international delegations will arrive in Lima for the meeting on March 20 and 21

Foreign visitors will travel to share with Peruvian producers and exporters, motivated by the great successes achieved by the local industry and interested in the demonstrated capacity to face the great climatic challenges that affected them in the last season, among other interests.

International investors and representatives of the main companies related to the commercialization of fruit in the world market, along with twenty international delegations from different continents, will arrive in Lima next March on the occasion of the holding of the XXIX International Blueberry Seminar which will be held in the premises of the Lima Convention Center (LCC) day And March 20 21.


Representatives of the international industry and executives of companies related to crops from Mexico, Chile, Portugal, USA, Italy, Morocco, New Zealand, Spain, China, England, India, Hungary, Sri Lanka, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands , who have confirmed their participation, make the Lima Seminar the most important international meeting held on Peruvian soil dedicated to blueberries in their different facets, both agronomic and commercial.

Foreign visitors will arrive in Lima to share with Peruvian producers and exporters, motivated by the great successes achieved by the local industry and interested in the demonstrated capacity to face the great climatic challenges that affected them in the last season, among other interests.

Management and future

The initial Round Table, in which Fernando Cilloniz, Ricardo Polis and Proarándanos will analyze the blueberry industry and its political and economic reality in Peru and the world, will set the high tone that the meeting will have in its two days of development.

The arrival of the Peruvian blueberry to international markets; the challenges of the agriculture of the future, and the importance of management and efficiency in the new scenario of the blueberry industry, presented by Ignacio Santibáñez, CEO of QIMA Produce; Andrés Rodríguez, from Blueberries Consulting; and Amir Niño de Guzmán, Corporate Operations Manager in Valle and Pampa, will delve into the high standards of the global fruit import and export market and the strategies necessary to address it successfully.

Topic that will be complemented at the end of the first day by Fumiomi Takeda, a specialist from the USA, who will present on the use of technologies in blueberry processing lines.

Climate, stress and genetics

On the first day, on March 20, topics directly related to the crop and its behavior in the face of recurring exogenous factors will also be discussed by researchers Reinaldo Campos, from the University of Chile, Patricio Muñoz and Gerardo Núñez, from the University from Florida, USA, who will present on the effects of abiotic stress on blueberries; varietal sensitivity to climatic effects; genetic development in blueberries, and physiological and productive responses to climatic conditions on blueberries.

Agronomic technologies and management

Energy balances and development of biomass product of irrigation technologies, presented by Miguel Ángel Cuevas, Business Development Spain & LATAM of Gremon Systems and monitoring technologies for efficient pest management, presented by PUCV entomologist Eugenio López, develop the use efficient use of new technological tools.

Management strategies for Scirtothrips dorsalis; Nutritional strategies to reduce stress in blueberry plants; and Fundamentals and use of bioregulators in blueberries in the face of climate stress; These are the topics developed by specialists Douglas Rodríguez, Plant Health Manager EMEA at Planasa; the Polish researcher and expert, Michal Slota; and the Mexican expert Daniel Díaz, research director of Agroenzymas, who will close the second day by complementing with different aspects of management to address blueberry cultivation in a comprehensive way.

The strong support of the international business community and the global industry that will be present at the meeting, together with the solid program and the quality of the speakers and specialists who will develop it, guarantee that the XXIX International Blueberry Seminar of Lima will be remembered as one of the most important meetings held by the Latin American industry

Participate in the International Blueberry Seminars most important in Peru, and be part of the World Blueberry Tour!
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Blueberries Consulting

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