The advantages of having access to data that allows your organization to execute operations in a timely and effective manner
“There is a need for innovation to drive transformative insights from data that is readily available.” – Justin Machell, CEO – Highland Ag Solutions
With Highland Ag Market Watch, you can see the value of your organization throughout the supply chain, be able to identify and forecast growth, to gain a total picture of the market within your category. This patent-pending software provides subscribers with aggregated, anonymous information on market prices, inventories, reject rates, and trends, while also benchmarking the company against the industry, and all in one application
«Highland works directly with ERP [for its acronym in English] [Enterprise Resource Planning] your service provider and technical staff to determine the appropriate technical linkages, and define the most appropriate scope of work to deliver the necessary information in Highland Ag Market Watch, guaranteeing security and anonymity. – Brent Lewis, Business Intelligence and Analytics Project Manager – Highland Ag Solutions
Highland Ag Solutions has engaged with experts and industry stakeholders over the past four years to develop Highland Ag Market Watch and provide a revolutionary point of view in the agricultural market, while ensuring the security of your data backed by the unparalleled data agreement of Highland.
Clients Highland they are the owners of all the data they provide us. Highland understands the challenges producers and marketers face in the digital age, and we respect the sensitivity, security and privacy of your data. To promote a pro-competitive global fresh produce market, data and insights are updated every 30 minutes and are available to subscribers at any time.
«The data era is here, and our response to that is our innovative tool. Highland Ag Market Watch “It enables marketers to make decisions that positively impact their bottom line, and is changing global fresh produce businesses with anonymous insights to make data-driven decisions.” – Aimee Smith, Sales Manager – Highland Ag Solutions
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